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The concept of thirdearthDesign's Home page design is a simple intro to the brand, logo, and the art created.

The best way to do this in one quick motion is to express it in a quick animation. This animation shows some of the major character designs from the Third Earth Universe.

There is also a link to ThirdEarthdesigns Facebook and Blog.

The color palette is based on the comics That are created by Third Earth and a bit of a homage to Frank Miller with the splash of red highlights.




















These pages are designed to be a preview to the comics and graphic novels created by Third earth Design. For variety each sub-page has a different layout.








Uni Folio



Bio Page


These two pages, the bio and contact sub-page are a person intro to Darryl Martin as the creator and ThirdearthDesign as a company. This is a work in progress as a selling point.

It should be a selling point.


  • facebook-square
  • Blogger Classic
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